Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Not an easy decision

I'm always floored by the way society treats abuse victims. They simply say you must leave. Like it is that easy. It's not. For most of us our abuser is the main bread winner and has us up a creek without a paddle. Leaving would be one thing but how was I going to provide for my two kids? Sure their are organizations that help, however after everything happened the only way I kept track of anything was to keep a written journal each day. That journal for 2 months is 2 spiral notebooks full. and still there are so many unanswered questions. Each day I wonder how I am going to pay bills put gas in the car etc.
I knew it was time enough was enough and I had finally gotten strong enough to take steps in that direction, but I had no idea at all the events that would be produced from my show of strength. Perhaps I should have just loaded my daughter in the car and started driving to where I do not know. But I stand by the decision that enough was enough and his behavior was unacceptable. We deserved more respect. So it was the hardest decision I have made but the one that will define me with my kids. They will either see me as strong or crazy (LOL) but we are going to get this.

Cruelty is fed, not weakened, by tears Publilius Syrus

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